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Huel Breakfast Battles

We all know nutritious food is vital for a healthy, happy life, but we are all living increasingly busy lives. This means we often struggle to make healthy food choices, or to strike a balance between nutrition and convenience. 

In this series, we look at popular breakfast choices and how they compare with Huel Ready-to-drink.

Huel Ready-to-drink vs Grab and go porridge and topper

Huel Ready-to-drink contains half as much sugar as a pot of grab and go porridge with a topper.

Most of the sugar actually comes from the porridge, which may be a bit of a surprise to some. Porridge is a great source of fibre and so is Huel Ready-to-drink (even more so per serving).

Both are complete protein sources but Huel Ready-to-drink contains twice as much protein. Huel Ready-to-drink is also high in vitamin D and K, which together, amongst their varied roles, contribute to the maintenance of healthy bones.

Huel Ready-to-drink vs Medium cappuccino and cinnamon danish

Huel Ready-to-drink contains over seven times less sugar than a medium cappuccino and cinnamon danish (hold the sugar on the cappuccino). It’s also interesting to note the majority of the fats in this breakfast option are saturated fats.

In Huel Ready-to-drink, the majority are polyunsaturated fats with a good ratio of essential omega 3:omega 6 fatty acids (1:2).

As Huel Ready-to-drink is high in vitamin B12, folate and calcium, amongst other micronutrients, it’s nutrient dense.

Huel Ready-to-drink vs Mango, yoghurt and granola bowl

Fruit is great and it’s important to eat your 5-a-day to make sure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need. However, when combined with high sugar options such as flavoured yoghurts and sweetened granola it can result in a breakfast that brings you up to the recommended daily sugar intake.

Huel Ready-to-drink contains nearly five times less sugar for around the same amount of calories and nearly four times as much protein.

Per serving Huel Ready-to-drink also provides over four times as much fibre compared to this breakfast option. What might also be surprising is the granola pot contains 17.5g of saturated fat, this is compared to 3.9g for Huel Ready-to-drink.

To find out more, head to our Huel Ready-to-drink page.
